Speech recognition will change the way we interact with technology.

Although technology develops at high speed, it always takes time to reach the plateau of productivity. The level it really starts working and having impact. I am under the impression we are close to that moment with speech recognition. Our traditional ways of input are keyboard and mouse. The introduction of the tablet and smartphone has added touch. Touch is making speech recognition more important. It's really useful in overcoming the limitations of a touch interface. You can roughly distinguish in two types of voice recognition in my view. The first one is dictation or text entry. The second one is giving commands or executing searches. Especially in the second category developments are going fast. Apple was the first with Siri quickly followed by Google/android with their efforts. For example in voice search on both iOS and android. The recent MotoX phone by Motorola/Google is build around speech recognition. It's constantly listening to your voice and reacting to commands ...