Google, it's time to expand the Data Liberation Front to the Privacy Protection Front.

A  not very well known initiative within Google is the so-called Data Liberation Front. Their mission statement:, "Users should be able to control the data they store in any of Google's products.  Our team's goal is to make it easier to move data in and out.". A worthy goal which has led to better possibilities to remove your data from Google's services. Also know as Google Take Out. In my view their mission could be expanded to not only controlling your data in Google products but also to be in more control about your privacy and how your data is used. If you use google services all your data is used to improve those services and predict/anticipate your desires, actions and purchases. People get more and more uncomfortable about that lately. Including their parliaments, at least in Europe. This is reinforced by all the Snowden/NSA fall-out which make clear that data inside Google is not that safe and well protected as it could be. Google has clear business interest that people actually trust them with their data and also trust Google as a company. This trust could be reinforced by adding some privacy enhancing services. These would silence the critics but also hurt their competitors.

  • Create a separate Google Apps variant  for people who value their privacy and security. With the possibility for local storage, using your own (open source) algorithms for encryption, use of Tor etc. This could be free but it could also be for a monthly fee.
  • Expand on the current Google Dashboard with an additional category: "How are my data used to improve google services and ads" , with the possibilities to opt-out of certain uses of your data.
  • Incorporate more privacy and security features in current products. For example offering encrypted gmail or encrypted storage in Google Drive, make the "incognito mode" in Chrome better accessible/visible etc.
  • Start offering some new more secure services like peer-2-peer chat like Bit Torrent chat, ofcourse this will not be interesting for the majority of customers but offering it has added value.
  • Seek more co-operation with organisations outside Google like the Electronic Frontier Foundation to let them evaluate and review the various efforts.
This all fits in the "no-evil" motto from Google but it also makes perfect business sense. Protecting your customer base, keeping their trust in a time when some governments can not be trusted. It will contribute to profits.


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